Your search of "Category: Fun" ended with 60 results.
51 - 60.
Of course nothing in this essay is an exaggeration of any kind. But it is an attempt to mimic the greatness of the infamous college essay from
Hugh Gallagher.
I used the custom tool from the website to create a bingo form that "speaks" to me and my friends. Get to work, you!!!
This is a great waste of time. You can do it with any category of words. Useless business catch phrases work best, though. Sample attached. For the meat and potatoes, check out
this cool bingo site.
We're not against a little lateral thinking here at Here's a little brain teaser to procrastinate away your time.
I stole this from the intra-highway super-net dealio. It's a college entrance essay that is just hysterical.
It just boggles the mind what government organizations can come up with. Bureaucrats bureaucrats bureaucrats. Check out what they're wrecking now.
This just in from the presses. Terror alerts are changing all over the globe.
Check out a couple of words all the young kids are using these days. Guaranteed to get you that raise you've been angling for!
1) dussied; as in all dussied up (whatever you want that to mean, perhaps dressed nicely)
2) muss; as in muss up the works (whatever you want that to mean, too; perhaps mess up)
3) dealy-wat, as in I don't know what those dealy-wats are that make it work (works great with car parts)
4) suits, as in those suits up at the capitol...(works best when complaining)
See if you can work these words into your lexicon in the next couple of days. You'll be having more fun in no time!
I have a couple coworkers who just had a hilarious conversation. Person 1 - "I can remember the 50 states in alphabetical order." Person 2 - "I can remember the 7 dwarves most of the time." Insanely funny at the time. Ummm... ya had to be there.
This is a random assortment of comments. Enjoy!