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The Onion - 2 Cents
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The Onion had a couple funny things to say; these from its 3/26/2009 edition.

In a story titled "Everything Taking Too Long":

Survey results revealed that 54% of respondents are not getting any younger over here, nearly 10 percent don't understand what the big holdup is, and 23% are not only ready but have been ready for the past half hour, so let's go already. Several thousand respondents hung up their telephones before answering all of the poll's questions.

While citizens said that a few things, such as lunch, dinner, and sleep, could afford to go on for much longer, everything else reportedly needs to get moving pronto as people have places to be.

"'Nope,' said 37-year-old Glenn Costabile, who entered and then immediately exited a crowded emergency room in downtown Detroit. 'No f-in' way.'"


In their national news highlights: "ARLINGTON, VA--While cutting open and eating a pineapple, Dave Condran, 26, jokingly acted like a caveman, though deep down he really felt like a caveman."
25 Mar 2009
Paul Nichols 
Strange Maps - 2 Cents
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Seriously people, if you haven't checked out the link on the left to "Strange Maps" you are missing out. Good stuff throughout that site.
19 Feb 2009
Mark Nichols 
Dancing Matt - 2 Cents
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CNN Video story on Dancing Matt

Here's a link to a video story from CNN about Dancing Matt.

So the world knows, friend Dan let us know about this guy weeks ago, and the general media is swooping it up now. Yesterday I heard WALK 97.5 (Long Island radio station) mention it in the morning.
11 Jul 2008
Mark Nichols 
Rickroll - 2 Cents
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The best video that you'll ever want to see. The joke is to tell you it's something you actually want to click on.

'Rickroll' prank comes to Baltimore

BALTIMORE (UPI) -- Almost 50 people sang the lyrics of British pop star Rick Astley in Baltimore during the weekend as part of a "rickroll" prank, fans say.

Fans either sing or redirect Internet browsers to recognize Astley's 1980s hit song, "Never Gonna Give You Up." The Baltimore Sun said Sunday.

"I'm in love with this song," said Ryan Goff, who organized the "rickroll" event Saturday at the city's Inner Harbor. "I thought I'd be absolutely sick of it, but I like it more. I'm working on singing it backward."

Traditionally a "rickroll" takes place online when unsuspecting browsers click on a serious-sounding link only to watch a video of Astley singing his hit.

For Goff, and others like him, the online bit was not enough. Soon Astley fans were taking to the streets to share their love of the pop star with strangers, the Sun reported.

"It's grass roots; you've got to make the best of it," Goff said. "It's all in the spirit of Rick."

Copyright 2008 by United Press International
07 May 2008
Paul Nichols 
Scramble - 2 Cents
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Man, the Scramble game on Facebook is really fun. It's a cross of Boggle and WordRacer (from Yahoo games). Of course, they count a zillion words that aren't really words, but oh well.
05 May 2008
Mark Nichols 
Awareness Test - 2 Cents
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16 Apr 2008
Paul Nichols 
Website - 2 Cents
Comments: 1 
13 Apr 2008
Paul Nichols 
Lawyer Joke - 5 Cents
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Heard some lawyer jokes on Jay Leno tonight. Here's one of 'em.
31 Jan 2008
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 7 
This is the third contest. Please, anyone who's out there - please post something. (Sound too desperate? How 'bout...) We would appreciate your participation in this caption contest so we feel like someone cares. (Yeah - that sounds much more professional.)
14 Jan 2008
Mark Nichols 
Merry Christmas - 2 Cents
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19 Dec 2007
Paul Nichols 

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