Your search of "Category: Food" ended with 27 results.
11 - 20.
Mmmmmmmm, the cold winter air makes the indoors that much more special. Especially with hot chocolate. I reminisce...
I'm concerned with the recent trend of fewer and fewer bags of Tostitos Hint of Lime Chips on the shelves of the grocery stores I visit. In fact, I have been unable to locate the chips in any of the 4 stores I frequent in the past week. I am concerned, and you should be, too. Surely the end times are upon us!
Meat bracket article on ESPN Page 2In a travesty of justice, Chicken Tails takes out Chicken Wings,
then Lamb Chops, before finally losing to Bacon. In the final, however, Bacon loses to Standing Rib Roast.
Let the record show that Pizza Hut sells the smallest chicken wings in the world.
Weird name, but great food:
Ruth's Chris Steak House.
It's expensive, but yummy. I had the lamb chops. They were awesome. !!!. Okay - so I'm not cut out to be a food critic writer person. But this is all you need to know: lamb chops at Ruth's Chris=yummy.
Apparently the restaurant was called Chris Steak House when Ruth bought it. That's why it has a weird name.
The food marketplace worldwide is going inflation crazy. I take a look at a Wall Street Journal article here on the topic. It's a good reminder that we should continue to help the poor, but also look at policies that affect the distribution of food.
I participated in an eating contest recently.
What's the most important meal of the day? Before you answer what everyone else says it is, what do you think it is? Are there any assumptions in the question? Read up and let me know your opinion or anything else I should be taking into consideration.
Did you read an article last week about bottled water? Me, too. I learned something interesting.