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Me: A-Rod is having a great year.

Wife: Is he in a contract year?

Genius! I'm proud of how much she's learned about sports! Of course, he's only kind of in a contract year, since he can shop the open market OR stick with his current deal.
18 Jun 2007
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 5 
Coulda, woulda, shoulda, but never really had the chance.
14 Jun 2007
Mark Nichols 
Clemens - 2 Cents
Comments: 0 
This just in: Clemens makes another start in preparation to return to majors against Quadruple A Pittsburgh Pirates. (I can imagine that as a headline for the Sports Guy or Gallo.)
09 Jun 2007
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 1 
Here we go. I've had too many conversations recently on this subject not to address it. Let me remind you: I don't like steroids and I wish all people were nice.
08 Jun 2007
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Here's a post about the NBA draft lottery from guest opinionator, Ken.
24 May 2007
Mark (on Ken's behalf) 
Comments: 3 
America's team loses a heartbreaker in the NHL playoffs. What--you didn't hear? Here's why.
19 May 2007
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 3 
I've written some articles for a fantasy football website, and it's high time you surfed your way over there.
16 May 2007
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 3 
Clemens got a warm reception from Yankee Stadium as he announced he'd be playing with NY this year. But I'm not sure AL batters will be so kind.
06 May 2007
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
I was recently hired to write some articles for a fantasy sports website. If you want to try your hand at it, we're here to help!
01 May 2007
Mark Nichols 
Boxing - 2 Cents
Comments: 0 
This article actually makes me want to watch a boxing match! (Watch it, but not pay for it.)
26 Apr 2007
Mark Nichols 

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