Your search of "Category: Pet Peeves" ended with 42 results.
21 - 30.
Perfect Attendance ArticleThis Washington Post article posits that perfect attendance for 13 years of public education is practically unheard of.
I think there were something like 2 who had it in my graduating class alone (in a class of 135). Big whoop.
This article on school lunches in New Mexico is bothering me. Some people are up in arms over feeding kids a cheese sandwich. Ummm... why is the parent not sending their kids to school with peanut butter and jelly? It would probably cost less per day than the subsidized meals they're trying to pay for, and it would save the school district mounds of cash.
Schools should probably only be on the books for selling milk or juice since kids can't reasonably bring refrigerated items to school.
Time to start teaching parents responsibility... I bet they can afford cable TV or a cell phone!
Here are some things on my mind recently - not global issues like the financial crisis, perhaps, but in my little world, just as big a concern.
FVN. GU. QWE. NF. What's up?!
Shouldn't someone who commits a crime (especially a horrific one) be labeled a gutter-mind instead of a mastermind? Something else should be used. CNN needs to be a little more careful in their headlines.
My problem is with pronouns. The use of pronouns in conversation, especially gossip, is proliferating. It's understandable that we try to take shortcuts in our conversations to speed things up, or to show that we understand each other in a unique, friendly, way. However, such use of pronouns causes mad confusion and hinders productive conversations. Not good, and, thus, Paul's Pet Peeve #4.
I hope everyone's enjoying the spring. Still feels like November to me, but whatever.
My latest pet peeve adventure is for the spring cleaners in you: closet doors.
An article on the front page of Yahoo shamelessly tries to take advantage of the recent AP report that pharmaceuticals are in our nations' water supply. The headline says something like "3 steps to get rid of them". And the three are: don't dump your meds down the toilet, test your water for them, and write to congress. I thought they were going to be a little more actionable.
Well, I guess I could kick that nasty habit of dumping all my extra crystal meth down the toilet.
Have you ever worked in an office setting? Ever take over for somebody else? Ever been frustrated at the level of organization in your office? Well, there's a reason people are so disorganized. It's the paper clip's fault.
I think it's time to start a new series here on DimeBrothers. Paul's Pet Peeves. That's what we'll call it. That means feel free to chime in with your own pet peeves in the comment section. If I share your pet peeve, I may write a new article on it. Pet Peeve #1 has to do with eating out.