Your search of "Category: This Site" ended with 59 results.
41 - 50.
Ummm... someone found our site looking for "groundhog nomenclature". Another person found our site looking for "hoodia". Another for "hydrocodone". Another for "hillbilly hare". Pretty soon people will be able to do a search for google and the first result will be
Heard something on NPR about cheap little turtles and how it's in-humane to buy them or something. So please, I implore you to ignore the turtle ads on this site.
Ironically, me posting about turtles here increases the likelihood of an ad appearing which offers them for sale.
Steve has shown me how to embed videos into articles, so I can upload videos as a part of the article instead of only being able to add them as a comment or message. Woo hoo! (Steve - the check's in the mail!)
You guys getting any new traffic?
Also... Paul N is so going to get his butt 'whip'ed this week in Fantasy Baseball.
Thanks to Steve for cool new buttons when you post a message. You can make text
underlined, and add a
hyperlink by simply highlighting your text and pressing the applicable button.
Also, "carriage returns" are now recognized in posts. These upgrades are surely the reason that Iran has let the British captives go. As this site becomes more and more developed, we shall see peace impose its will across the globe (peacefully of course).
It's important for us to make manifest the assumptions under which Dime Brothers is operating. It's this kind of spirit of openness that will engender peace and understanding in the world.
What this site needs is a comment tally on the main page headlines. For example... if I commented on a story, and I wanted to see if someone else also commented, I'd need to click on the story. If you had a comment tally for each story, I could see that there are now a greater number of comments than when I last posted. Do it now!
You will now witness ads at the top of each page. In getting these Google Ads, I've asked for only images (instead of text ads), and agreed not to artificially inflate clicks, click on them myself, or encourage others to click on them. I'm off to repent!
I just registered Dime Brothers on Technorati, and maybe we'll be randomly chosen to appear on their main page... or not. They're a website that tracks blogs and stuff. Anyway, according to Technorati, The Dilbert Blog is the 59th most linked to blog on the infer-may-shun supranet dealio. Please visit it
here. This won't count as one of those links, though, because I think their Spiders are inferior (their web programs that search for links and stuff).
Please check out the About page again, if you haven't in awhile. It now has a neat little graphic of us Dime Brothers which was prepared by Zigga (it took days huddled over a computer to create - ha ha).