Your search of "Category: This Site" ended with 59 results.
31 - 40.
Good news - we're already up to over $17 earned through AdSense. We're really taking off now!!! (It's only been about 8 months since we've had it...)
Wow, Dime Brothers is growing up so fast!
So we haven't paid much attention to this site... but you should be used to that.
I'm running for election (oh no! A political reference! We'll get more political ads from Google!), and Paul is running... um... from the law.
Poor website. I haven't been ignoring you. Ignoring involves being aware of and purposefully staying away from, or not paying attention to.
I've just plain forgotten about you.
I'm writing this message using Nintendo Wii's internet channel.
It's pretty neato!
Why do we keep getting those turtle ads? They're corrupt!!! I mean, turtles, turtles, turtles. That's all we got! Left and right turtles; up and down turtles; turtles here, turtles there! I sure wish google adsense would stop giving us turtle ads. We don't even mention them on this site!!!
You know what this site needs, other than hits? A blackboard tab along the top somewhere. People could come and spray paint graffiti on our site. You know, an important message, or whatever, on that tab.
We've already earned over 10 whole dollars with AdSense! Pretty soon we'll be so rich, we'll be able to buy the entire jar of penny candy I've been eyeing down at the corner store. (Sadly, such store is imaginary.)
Or I could buy a couple of Twix bars...
... or a 10lb. bag of chicken at BJs!
Or pay most of the car tax on my '92 Sable Wagon. Stupid Connecticut car tax!
I've decided to get rid of the ad banners on the sides - a lot of the time it doesn't seem like Google can find ads that are meaningful and/or tasteful... and they look kind of ugly anyway. And now all those people with horrible resolution settings can view everything on this site!
We're not ignoring you, beautiful site
We're not imploring you, oh tempest night
We're not beguiling you, for the right
We let you simmer, alas, for the beggar's mite.
More articles soon (C'mon--it's Memorial Day weekend; of course we've ignored the site all week!). Sorry for the meaningless bad poetry.