Your search of "Category: Advertising" ended with 12 results.
1 - 10.
Over the years I've cared less and less about the Super Bowl. But I still retain more than a passing interest in the commercials. Here are the ones that caught my attention.
Apparently insurance ads that say the following work: "Those who've switched saved an average of $417!"
Although I don't know why. I dare you to get a quote from anyone else right now and see how much you'll save. It won't be much if anything.
Maybe it's like saying you could win a million dollars at the lottery. People have an understanding they're unlikely winners so aren't too disappointed when they don't hit the big one.
I would just like to point out, that to my knowledge, this ad is the first time Nike has combined a smiley face with their logo. It's about time. I thought they could go that route back in 1996 or so. Graphic at the end of the ad could be better, though. Oh well.
Have you noticed a nice change of pace in the truck advertising business? What do you mean this isn't a dramatization?!
Every workplace needs one of these guys to keep the worker bees in check.
We're so sure you'll like our product, we've already ordered it for you, free of charge*!
*Terms and conditions apply
My life stinks, but thanks to American Express, I can face each day! (Bonus American Express commercial included!)
Are search engines and AdSense paying attention? Traffic and back pain shall illuminate us all.