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Bad Driving - 2 Cents
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Article about Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray of Massachusetts pulling kids out of a burning van in Worcester.

We all know Worcester has the worst drivers in the country. This case, though, is one of a tire catching fire.

But, apparently the Lieutenant Governor has had to rescue people before in Worcester. He also used to be the mayor of Worcester. There's probably some conspiracy involving him and bad driving.

: )
05 Jan 2011
Mark Nichols 
50-car pileup - 2 Cents
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Here's an article about a 50-car pileup. One of the comments: "This was a 2 car accident-the other 48 were personal injury lawyers."
14 Dec 2009
Mark Nichols 
Irksome Driving - 2 Cents
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Pretty good article on bad driving habits. The gist is, "Focus on driving" and "'Doing your thing' doesn't matter when driving is a community experience. Pay attention."
03 Aug 2009
Mark Nichols 
Driving - 2 Cents
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Oof. Rough driving out there today. Even for Connecticut standards people are flying. To the point of overpowering speed control measures. I saw one cop on my right with a guy pulled over. And on my left, approaching an upward grade, I saw a cop pull out from his vantage point and pull over (eenie meenie minie moe) one of the lead cars in a pack doing 75 or so in a 55. (Yes, that is an accurate estimate, but don't ask me how I know.) :)

Drive safe(ly)!
17 May 2008
Paul Nichols 
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Here's a link to a traffic article by Jon Gromer. Not sure how long it'll be active, but one good point that was brought up involved people wanting to be in the left lane perhaps because cars wouldn't be whizzing by their windows on that side (they'd be on the opposite side of the car in the right lanes).
04 Dec 2007
Mark Nichols 
Driving Ability - 2 Cents
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Article on Driving Knowledge

Here's a link (not sure how long it'll be active) to a report on how knowledgeable drivers are around the country. The most surprising result? Idaho is rated at number 1. I lived in Utah for awhile and had the unfortunate opportunity to drive around a lot of Idahoans. Many drove with a total disregard for the world around them. In my opinion, only the Massachusetts drivers that hail from Worcester are anywhere close to surpassing Idaho's awfulness.

But at least MA is ranked 48th. Idaho is number 1! I demand a retest! A test that actually takes into account driver awareness!
16 Nov 2007
Mark Nichols 
Traffic Report - 5 Cents
Comments: 1 
A traffic report released this week says that, and I quote, "The US cannot sustain its current level of traffic growth and congestion. We project mass mental health breakdown in the next three to five years unless Mark Nichols is allowed to get to work in under 30 minutes."
20 Sep 2007
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 6 
Are search engines and AdSense paying attention? Traffic and back pain shall illuminate us all.
17 Apr 2007
Mark Nichols 
Merritt Parkway traffic in Connecticut is a mess. Granted, this article may not directly apply to you, but it might at least help you feel you're not alone in the world of commuters. We're all going crazy, together.
07 Nov 2006
Mark Nichols 

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