18 Apr 2007
Imagine how cool you'll be with an expanded vocabulary!!! *Imagining...* Pretty cool, I know.
I was listening to a book on CD this past weekend and the guy used the word solecism...I had to look it up. Of course, I missspeelt it so I also got to learn some other words courtesy of Merriam Webster. I do this at the risk of being sciolistic:
Pronunciation: 'sä-l&-"si-z&m, 'sO-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin soloecismus, from Greek soloikismos, from soloikos
speaking incorrectly, literally, inhabitant of Soloi, from Soloi, city
in ancient Cilicia where a substandard form of Attic was spoken
1 : an ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence; also
: a minor blunder in speech
2 : something deviating from the proper, normal, or accepted
3 : a breach of etiquette or decorum
- so"·le"·cis"·tic /"sä-l&-'sis-tik, "sO-/ adjective
Context: What a solecism!
Pronunciation: 'si-l&-"ji-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English silogisme, from Anglo-French sillogisme,
from Latin syllogismus, from Greek syllogismos, from syllogizesthai
to syllogize, from syn- + logizesthai to calculate, from logos
reckoning, word
1 : a deductive scheme of a formal argument consisting of a major
and a minor premise and a conclusion (as in "every virtue is laudable;
kindness is a virtue; therefore kindness is laudable")
2 : a subtle, specious, or crafty argument
3 : deductive reasoning
- syl"·lo"·gis"·tic /"si-l&-'jis-tik/ adjective
- syl"·lo"·gis"·ti"·cal"·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Context: That is so syllogistic!
Pronunciation: 'sI-&-"li-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin sciolus smatterer, from diminutive of Latin scius
knowing, from scire to know
: a superficial show of learning
- sci"·o"·list /-list/ noun
- sci"·o"·lis"·tic /"sI-&-'lis-tik/ adjective
Context: You're such a sciolist!