19 Sep 2011
Do you have a technical question you need answered? You could try to submit a request for help on a tech support website. Here’s an example question and conversation you might have:
[11 Aug 2011, 8 AM] DimeBrother: “When I turn on my laptop all I get is a black screen – no other text appears. What could be wrong? I’ve checked all the other solutions on this site but they don’t apply to my case.”
[11 Aug 2011, 11 AM] SuperAwesomeUser: “What is your operating system and computer specs?”
[11 Aug 2011, 2 PM] DimeBrother: “It’s Vista, HP tx2510us with 3 gigs of RAM and a 250 GB hard drive. Here’s a link to the specs.”
[13 Aug 2011, 2 AM] AplusHelper: “What’s the processor and graphics card info?”
[13 Aug 2011, 10 AM] DimeBrother: “I provided a link to the specs, but here’s the info: 2.10 GHz AMD Turion X2 RM-70 Dual-Core Mobile Processor, and the graphics are ATI Radeon HD 3200.”
[17 Aug 2011, 4 AM] AplusHelper: “Is your laptop plugged in or on battery power?”
[17 Aug 2011, 9 AM] DimeBrother: “I’ve got the laptop plugged in and at full power. There is no issue with the battery or cord or anything.”
[20 Aug 2011, 3 AM] AplusHelper: “You’re going to have to get that looked at.”
[20 Aug 2011, 8 AM] DimeBrother: “So I guess the graphics card question was just small talk?”
[27 Aug 2011, 8 AM] DimeBrother: “I thought this tech forum would be able to help me a little. Here’s what I now know:
- I’ve checked the RAM - reseated it, tried different slots, etc. It’s fine.
- I don’t have a heat sink issue - my fan is in good working order and I just cleaned out the entire system.
- Let’s assume my screen works; it’s just at startup the system isn’t even loading BIOS before leaving flashing lights glaring at me. If it was just a screen issue I’d hear the computer get to a login screen.
- It’s probably not the integrated graphics, because I’d hear my computer still starting up, right, similar to the screen issue?
- I now understand about BIOS and beep codes at startup, except my laptop is too old to have codes that make any sense. I’ve replaced the BIOS battery, which doesn’t seem to be a problem.
- Is there a way to update BIOS when I can’t access my system? Any other thoughts out there? So is it time for a new motherboard?”
[4 Sep 2011, 1 AM] DimeBrother: “I replaced my motherboard. Now the system works fine.”
[14 Sep 2011, 2 PM] DimeBrother: “Now my touchpad isn’t working. The ribbon cable that connects the touchpad to the motherboard is fine. I’ve also updated the drivers. Any other thoughts?”
[21 Sep 2011, 9 PM] DimeBrother: “Of course not.”
As you can see, seeking out tech support help is a great way to become an autodidact.