Our Three Cents (inflation adjusted) 

Article - 2 Cents
Posted by: Mark Nichols

07 Jun 2008

I might set a PR here for lack of writing - and I'm about to go abroad for about two weeks! That'll add to the tally of days since my last article!
© 2008 Dime Brothers
Category: This Site    

Reader Comments:

Just thought I'd let the world know I'm alive. And the site is kicking, although almost down for the count....

Article will come forth at some point, but no promises as to when.

It should be noted that there have been more articles about the economy recently that actually spell out doom instead of just analysts being proven wrong.
25 Jun 2008
The doom 'n gloom articles were jinxing the bad news. Then, in a span of 2 days, 3 articles were written that stated maybe the economy is going to be okay, and--BAM! Instantly the economy actually started to turn (despite some positive blips from people gambling their tax rebates away) and all the doom 'n gloom articles suddenly were in the right.
25 Jun 2008
New Articles...
Where are they!? ;)
26 Jun 2008
There's a movie review for ya. A cheap and easy article. I even added the movie preview video, too. We're about synergy here at Dime Brothers.
27 Jun 2008

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