25 Sep 2010
Happy 4th birthday DimeBrothers.com! The end of September marks four good years of life on the internet.
Major changes to the site over the last year include making sure all the articles are categorized (including a category named "uncategorized") and replacing the ESPN widget with a second video box.
I've updated the not-so-secret tab with a few decent links (including WIMP.com), and the links on the front page are all up to date including a link to Gregg Easterbrook's Reuters blog (he writes Tuesday Morning Quarterback on ESPN.com). If you've never checked out the Strange Maps link, I highly recommend it. It's very well done. Didn't you like looking at atlases growing up? No? That was only us?!
My resolutions to post more fell by the wayside this past year as life got in the way. Busy-ness reigns, but alas, this site continues. Do I bother committing myself to posting more? Why even set the expectation? In fact, based on a recent video we posted from TED, making your goals public decreases the likelihood of their completion!
So onward and upward with life we go, and when we'll post, nobody knows!
Happy birthday, DimeBrothers.com.